Why use TrialDirector® certified techs?
When you hire a TrialSupport TrialDirector ® Certified trial tech you can have 100% confidence in the following:
- iPro’s TrialDirector is one of the most robust industry leading software programs available for the efficient and effective presentation of exhibits, depositions, video and audio.
- We always use the latest versions of iPro’s TrialDirector 6 and the new [as of June 2018] TrialDirector360.
- Tech are also experts in PowerPoint, other video programs, Excel, Word, Adobe Acrobat Pro DC
- All software is optimized and trial tested for the rigors of courtroom presentation.
- Certified Techs have passed a rigorous series of written and practical exams in the use of every aspect of the software.
- Certified Techs are trial tested and courtroom savvy and able to navigate through the various technical configurations of state and federal courtrooms.
- Our technician laptops are configured and optimized to easily handle millions of files in excess of 1TB, deposition videos of multiple GB, processing video clips on the fly and multitasking in multiple applications without affecting presentation playback to the jury.
- All techs have duplicate backup laptops immediately available in the unlikely case of failure.
It's more than just software competency
A good Trial Tech can help you tell a story to the Jury
- Trial techs can be another set of eyes observing the jury and providing feedback, if necessary, to the trial team on presentation options.
- TrialSupport trial consultants are committed to helping you achieve your trial objectives.
We Are Experienced, Seasoned Professionals
- TrialDirector certified trial consultants are constantly in court, helping our clients win cases. Our trial consultants and partners have worked on numerous high profile cases such as U.S. v. McVeigh, Intergraph v. Intel, PUR v. Brita, Unocal v. Mobil, and U.S. v. Kaczynski.
- Our trial presentation consultants have on average 5-20 years of experience in the industry.
Check out our client list or contact us direct for a list of references.