COVID19 Courtroom Socially Distanced Layout with Remote Witnesses
Jolie Zajac2020-09-08T19:05:28-07:00This video presents a recent real-life courtroom set-up with social distancing and remote witness appearances.
This video presents a recent real-life courtroom set-up with social distancing and remote witness appearances.
Your trial tech is certainly using Trial Presentation software like Trial Director or OnCue. Here's a list of OTHER software that occasionally are required or helpful to present evidence in court or is useful to be efficient in managing common courtroom tasks. For our full checklist of assessing [...]
One of the many questions that should be answered well in advance of a possible trial is: “Who will be dedicated to preparing/pulling up exhibits/video clips for the Judge and Jury? Lead attorney, other in-house person or dedicated trial presentation specialist?”. “How far in advance” and “Which trial [...]
This article is part of a series of articles about assessing your trial needs in advance of trial to determine whether you can use internal resources or need to outsource to a Trial Presentation Specialist. For our full checklist, download the printable pdf here. Each of these questions [...]
This article is part of a series of articles about assessing your trial technology and exhibit presentation needs in advance of trial to determine whether you can use internal resources or need to outsource to a Trial Presentation Specialist. For our full checklist, download the printable pdf here. [...]
This article is part of a series of articles about assessing your trial needs in advance of trial to determine whether you can use internal resources or need to outsource to a Trial Presentation Specialist. For our full checklist, download the printable pdf here. Each of these questions [...]
You may not know exactly what trial presentation techniques are possible or you may use in trial. Here's a basic list of functionality your trial tech should be familiar with if they are using the right trial presentation software. Most of these are not possible with Adobe Acrobat [...]